Author - Verbum

Verbum, part of the Logos family, empowers Catholics to study Scripture and explore Church tradition.

Loving What St. Jerome Loved

Caravaggio, St. Jerome Writing Today, on the Memorial of St. Jerome, Pope Francis released the Apostolic Letter Scripturae Sacrae Affectus to mark the sixteen hundredth anniversary of his death. The letter chronicles the saint’s journey around...

Plant and Sow: On Last Sunday’s Collect

So it is that in the Collect for the 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time the Church asks God to graft “into our hearts the love of” God’s name. In this way the Church asks that a “deepening...sense of reverence” might abound in us, and through that, the...

On Teaching During a Pandemic

As it has for many teachers, this week brought a dramatic shift in my own preparations as my high school made the transition to eLearning due to the rapid spread of COVID‐19. The announcement that we would be closed through the end of March came...

How to Analyze Art, Part 2: Encountering Beauty

Virgin and Child with Sts. Dominic and Catherine of Alexandria – Fra Angelico, c. 1435 By Eva Marie Haine In April, I explained some basic principles of how to look at art from a purely formal point of view—that is, an analysis of how an...

Painting of the Week: Balbi Holy Conversation

Tiziano Vecellio painted this striking piece of Mary and Jesus set in an open landscape with Giorgione influences, like asymmetrical composition and full figures. The piece is true to this period in art—with classicistic, refined characters...