Paulist Press Church History Collection (4 vols.)
Explore the history of Catholicism from the first century to the present. The Shaping of Christianity closely examines the first four centuries of “the Christian movement” as it developed into a major world religion. The two-volume A History of the Christian Tradition surveys the entire history of Christianity, from its Jewish origins all the way through the pontificate of Pope John Paul II.
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Select Works of Henri de Lubac (5 vols.)
This collection presents several works by prominent twentieth-century theologian Henri de Lubac. A French Jesuit priest who eventually became the oldest living cardinal before his death in 1991, de Lubac was instrumental in shaping the Second Vatican Council, and composed many valuable theological works during tumultuous times.
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Select Works of Thomas Howard (10 vols.)
Study gems of devotion, apologetics, and literary scholarship from noted author Thomas Howard. Possessing an instantly identifiable wit and style, Howard is a popular author and speaker with Catholics and Protestants alike. Born into a prominent Evangelical family, Howard converted to Catholicism in 1985—prompting him to write sympathetic and insightful Christian apologetic works.
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