Monthly deals for February
St. Peter Damian and St. Gregory of Narek are the only two Doctors of the Church with feast days this month, but there are many great resources inspired by their legacy and charisms that we have compiled.
Save on these wisdom-filled resources!
Verbum Now
Your preview resources are here! Dive into some of the latest research on the Torah in the Hebrew Bible and interpretation of key texts, figures, and themes.
Also, Verbum Now customers get exclusive a 40% discount on last month’s preview resource.
Plus, get your monthly free book using coupon code: NOWFREEBOOKFEB18
Free Book of the Month
In Lenten Grace: Daily Gospel Reflections, members of the Daughters of St. Paul share the fruit of their “lectio divina” (a prayerful reading of Sacred Scripture). This handy volume contains their insightful reflections on the daily Gospel readings of Lent. It’s yours free this month.
Want more? Grab Ordinary Grace Weeks 1–17: Daily Gospel Reflections for only $1.99.