Start the new year off right

The liturgical “new year” began on the First Sunday of Advent, and we have already completed the spiritual preparation that now has us in the full swing of the Christmas season. Let us not lose that momentum, and let us enter into this new calendar year with a continued effort of nurturing our spiritual and intellectual growth. We have many great deals to help foster this journey, so check them out.

Monthly deals for January

The Doctors of the Church have laid a spiritual and intellectual foundation that keeps the Church secure in her navigation of the truth. Celebrate the Doctors of January by feeding on their wisdom.

Save on these timeless resources!


Verbum Now

Your preview resources are here! Cut to the heart of debate of contentious theological problems with these necessary sources.

Also, Verbum Now customers get exclusive a 40% discount on last month’s preview resource.

Plus, get your monthly free book using coupon code: NOWFREEBOOKJAN18


Free Book of the Month

St. Francis de Sales has left us a spiritual powerhouse on daily Christian living with An Introduction to the Devout Life. It’s yours free this month.

Want more? Grab his treatise Of the Love of God for only $1.99.

Get both | Learn more

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Verbum, part of the Logos family, empowers Catholics to study Scripture and explore Church tradition.

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Written by Verbum