Last week, Fr. Devin presented a wonderful video demonstration on “The Last Seven Words of Jesus” using Verbum 6, and throughout the month of April, Fr. Devin’s book Fulfilled in Christ will be featured on Verbum’s Easter Sale!
Fulfilled in Christ explains typology, one of oldest and most important aspects of salvation history. This book has received many accolades; well-known Catholic author Scott Hahn has this to say in his Foreward:
Importantly, Fr. Roza’s book is quite timely. We are experiencing a call for a renewed emphasis on mystagogy in liturgy and catechesis…
Adult education and RCIA groups will encounter here a rich treasure trove where they can dive into the profound meaning of the sacraments as a real participation in the mysteries of Christ. Catechists and scholars will find a comprehensive and yet succinct volume which makes accessible the beauty of the Church’s typological and symbolic understanding of the sacraments, including carefully chosen and compelling excerpts from Church Fathers.
But the appeal of this book is not limited to those working with adult education or RCIA. Pastors will appreciate the fascinating connections between sacraments and Scripture that lend themselves to liturgical preaching. The summaries of the texts referenced are organically organized and theologically solid, allowing even a beginner in the faith to grasp the coherence and completeness of God’s plan of salvation and to investigate on their own.
Typological interpretation is especially appropriate today, when so many people have lost the sense of mystery in their faith. Catholics who begin to dig deep into the typology of the sacraments will encounter the mystery of our life in Christ. Fr. Roza’s study restores us to the mystery that is at the heart of our faith: the mystery of God’s love as it plays out in human history, recorded in the Bible. As Pope Benedict states:
Mystery is the heart from which our power comes and to which we return to find this center. For this reason I believe that catechesis that we might call mystagogical is very important. Mystagogical also means realistic, referring to our life as people of today. If it is true that the human being’s ‘measuring stick’ for what is just and what is not lies not within but without, in God, it is important that this God is not distant but recognizable, concrete, and that he enter our life and truly be a friend with whom we can speak and who can speak with us.(Lenten Meeting with the Clergy of the Rome Diocese, 2009)
This is the God who came down from heaven to be with us, to be our intimate friend. In bringing to life the prefiguring of the sacraments, Fr. Roza’s complete and accessible book offers a fresh, invigorating means of reading the Scriptures which was present from the earliest Christians—indeed, even Jesus himself—and which is of vital interest to believers today.
See all of the deals on the Easter sale!