New Catholic Releases Coming to Verbum—Save Up to 45%

We’ve got lots of new resources just published or coming soon to Verbum. Take a look at the resources below to see how they can help round out your Verbum library.

New to Verbum

These books were just published on Verbum, so you can add them to your Verbum library right away:

Available for pre-order (save up to 45%)

The following six titles are available for pre-order. They’ll ship soon, and you can save up to 45% by ordering your copy before it goes live:

In Pre-Pub

These four titles are in Pre-Publication, meaning they’re gathering interest to see if people want them added to Verbum.:

Let us know which ones you’re interested in by placing a Pre-Pub order. The more people are interested, the sooner the resource ships.


Which resources are you most excited to add to your library? Let us know in the comments.


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Verbum, part of the Logos family, empowers Catholics to study Scripture and explore Church tradition.

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  • Would like to see “A Catholic Introduction to the Bible: The Old Testament”, by John Bergsma and Brant Pitre.

  • I would love to see a Verbum edition of The Lord, by Romano Guardini. Joseph Ratzinger gave an enthusiastic preface to this classic, and it would be fantastic in Verbum

Written by Verbum