Learn to use dictionaries in Verbum

In Verbum, dictionaries are extremely powerful, but also very easy to use. Check out the video below to learn more about the intuitive dictionary functionality in Verbum:

Expand your theological vocabulary with A Concise Dictionary Of Theology—29% off in Pre-Pub today! 
You can also enrich your understanding of Scripture with Scott Hahn’s Catholic Bible Dictionary, now 23% off in Pre-Pub:

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  • I just purchased and downloaded the Catholic Bible dictionary by Scott Hahn. It does not show up in the dictionary list in the Bible Facts tools or in the list when you command click on a word. How can I get my Verbum software to recognize that it is a dictionary in those locations? It does appear in Power Lookup.
    This is a great work by Hahn and I plan to use it frequently in my scripture studies.

  • Aric, it would be great if the videos were viewable in different resolutions so that we would be able to view the video full screen compared to the small imbed in your posting. I like the training videos though keep them up.

    • We’ll definitely keep the training videos up, and I’ll look into the resolution issue. You are able to maximize the video using the little icon in the bottom right hand side (and the video should buffer accordingly.) Let me know if that works!

Written by Aric