The US Conference of Catholic Bishops named October as Respect for Life month, so you’ll find lots of great resources about life in our monthly sale. Add these lauded titles to your Verbum library for up to 30% off:
Theology of the Body Collection (7 vols.) – now $76.99, 30% off
This collection features Pope John Paul II’s essential work Man and Woman He Created Them: A Theology of the Body. You’ll find six other titles that further expound Catholic teachings on the physical body, sexuality, and the image of God in humanity. These books are great for personal reading as well as small groups or church-led courses on the theology of the body.
Pontifical Council for the Family Collection (10 vols.) – now $34.99, 30% off
Get 20 years’ worth of Catholic beliefs about the family, marriage, and human rights with this 10-volume collection. Discover how the Vatican II teachings inform our modern-day moral challenges and find ways to protect family rights in keeping with Church doctrine. A few titles in this collection include The Family: Work and Celebration, The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality, and Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage.
Anne Catherine Emmerich Collection (3 vols.) – now $9.79, 30% off
This set contains three books by Anne Catherine Emmerich, an Augustinian nun who transcribed detailed visions of the life of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Pope John Paul II, who beatified her in 2004, said of Emmerich, “Her example opened the hearts of the poor and rich alike, of simple and cultured persons, whom she instructed in loving dedication to Jesus Christ.” Be encouraged and challenged by her works, The Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich.
When you add these collections to your Verbum Library, you’ll get fully searchable works to make your research simpler. For example, search for “stigmata” and you’ll see entries from The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich and any resources you own that contain that word. Even better, every biblical passage opens to your preferred translation, so you can read the Bible while studying these excellent resources.
Save up to 30% on these three collections and dozens more in October’s monthly sale!