Verbum Now January Preview Resources


For the month of January, Verbum Now members enjoy free access to:

Tertullian and Paul

This collection of essays presents a collaborative attempt to understand, critique, and appreciate one of the earliest and most influential interpreters of Paul, and thereby better understand and appreciate both the dynamic event of early patristic exegesis and the Pauline texts themselves. Each chapter takes a two-pronged approach, beginning with a patristic scholar considering the topic at hand followed by a New Testament response. This results in a fast-paced and illuminating interdisciplinary volume.

Select Works of Tertullian and Minucius Felix (2 vols.)

Discover the history of Latin Christendom with two of the first Christian apologists in The Select Works of Tertullian and Minucius Felix. Examine original Latin text alongside its English translation as you study Latin Christendom, its core beliefs, ethics, and the cultural forces of the time. In both Apology and De Spectaculis, Tertullian discusses the life of the time and the influences on thinking and writing in the Latin world. Minucius Felix continues the exploration of Latin Christendom in his Octavius, with a discussion of the social and religious conditions in Rome at the end of the second century, including the interactions between Roman and African Christianity.

Save Now on December Preview Resources

For a limited time, Verbum Now members also enjoy discounts on the following resources, which were featured as previews last month:

The Letters of St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan
A Meditation on the Incarnation of Christ
Christian Philosophy in the Early Church

Not yet a Verbum Now member? Join today to get these great benefits, access to all the latest Verbum features, and more!


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Verbum, part of the Logos family, empowers Catholics to study Scripture and explore Church tradition.

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Written by Verbum