Deacon Kevin’s Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent

This guest post is by Deacon Kevin Bagley, DMin, Director of Verbum.

“Prepare the way of the Lord.” These were John’s words as he proclaimed a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The season of Advent is the time of year when we prepare ourselves to welcome the newborn Christ child into our lives.

As citizens of the modern world, we are bombarded with advertising urging us to purchase the right gifts, try the newest electronic gadget, and prepare ourselves for the gift giving season. As Catholics, we should be focused on receiving the greatest gift of all: the Savior of the World. The things we buy today may be broken or lost tomorrow. Developing a loving relationship with God will not only last a lifetime, but forever.

As we prepare to give gifts, host gatherings, and celebrate, we must also make room in our homes and hearts for the coming of the infant Jesus. Get rid of the clutter and debris of resentment and shortcomings, plan to be reconciled, be open to receive and provide forgiveness, and make way for the Christ child.

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Written by
Kathryn Heltsley
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Written by Kathryn Heltsley