Deacon Kevin’s Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent

This guest post is by Deacon Kevin Bagley, DMin, Director of Verbum.

Are you ready? Have you prepared as well as you can?  If tomorrow was your last day on this earth, would you be ready to enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

As we enter the season of Advent we prepare.  This is the beginning of the new church year and we eagerly await the day we celebrate when the Word became flesh.  We prepare ourselves for the coming of the Savior and we should ensure that we are ready to greet him whenever and however he comes into our lives.

We also prepare for Christmas gift giving, prepare our homes, prepare food and shop for groceries.  As we prepare for this wonderful event, I encourage you to seek out an opportunity to enrich your spiritual life by attending an Advent retreat, do some spiritual reading or participate in a corporal work of mercy remembering the true meaning of Christmas.

Over 2,000 years ago we received a gift more precious than anything we could buy or make.  Christ came into the world to bring us the wonderful gift of salvation.  We should take time to remember that Christ is the light of the world, and that we are guided through his Light.

Through God’s grace, we make it through the mall, the shopping, and the crowds; at home we take care of the cooking, cleaning and decking the halls; all to arrive at the beauty, peace and joy of Christmas.  May the peace of God, which is beyond all understanding, guide you through this season to the joy and peace of Christmas morning.

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Written by
Kathryn Heltsley
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Written by Kathryn Heltsley