Ludwig von Pastor: Papal Historian

Ludwig_von_PastorJust a few days ago we celebrated the birthday of historian Ludwig von Pastor, the famous German Catholic historian and diplomat to Austria. Professor Pastor was an extremely important historian in his time, and the hard work and dedication he poured into his studies continue to serve both historians and Catholics today.

His magnum opus, History of the Popes, is an outstanding, detailed work spanning the pontificates of 56 popes from the fourteenth to late eighteenth centuries.

Pastor began his work on the history of the popes in response to another popular historian’s work, Leopold von Ranke’s History of the Popes. Pastor opposed much of Ranke’s historical methodology and, as a Catholic, he was able to gain access to the Vatican archives, which had previously been unavailable to scholars like Ranke. Through meticulous research and diligent study, Pastor compiled the most complete and exhaustive papal study of the Middle Ages ever written.

the-history-of-the-popes-from-the-close-of-the-middle-agesPlace your bid on the History of the Popes today, and select your price for this amazing 20,000+ page resource. You can help put this amazing resource into production, adding enormous value to your library at a fraction of what this collection would cost in print.

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  • This looks like a fascinating resource. I’ve placed a bid for $120. That’s 1/2 cent (USD) per page or $3 a volume.

Written by Aric