Sheen, Sheed, and Shea—all in 1!

We couldn’t wait to tell you about the Ignatius Press Theology and Discipleship Collection, with special introductory pricing! This collection includes the following:

  • Verbum’s first title from Fulton Sheen, The Priest Is Not His Own.This beloved classic brings to light the real meaning of the priesthood: priests carry on the sacrificial mission of Christ.
  • Frank Sheed’s Theology and Sanity. Sheed explores the Faith through such down-to-earth topics as “God,” “Creation,” and “Oneself.” Sheed was clearly ahead of his time, and this classic speaks directly to the current imperative of the New Evangelization. (Along with another book by Sheed!)
  • Mark Shea’s extremely popular account of his journey from Evangelicalism to Catholicism, which places his narrative in the center of contemporary Biblical scholarship. Learned and engaging, By What Authority? is not to be missed.

Also included in this impressive collection, Cardinal Christophe Schönborn’s God Sent His Son: A Contemporary Christology is a scholarly yet accessible examination of the Church’s understanding of Christ through “the pillars of faith”—Scripture, Tradition, and Experience—and the challenges they face now.

Take advantage of this truly extraordinary collection—on pre-publication now!



Written by
Kathryn Hogan
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Written by Kathryn Hogan