Persist in faith this Lent

Lent is coming. If you haven’t read Andrew’s stellar Mardi Gras post, check it out, and notice (at the bottom) that we are having a Mardi Gras sale: 15% off resources that will help you dive into the Gospels. (Coupon expires at midnight, PST)

We will be very focused on training and devotionals this Lent. Our posts will revolve around how to use the software and grow in faith as we prepare for Easter.

Every Friday we will share a “Lenten Feature” post (index below), focused on how you can use your base package or the Mardi Gras sale items more effectively. We will also feature “mini-Easter” sales every Sunday, as a chance to focus on Christ and the saints in a new light each week.

I strongly encourage you to download our free app for your Android or iOS device so that you can carry Christ with you this Lent. Challenge yourself to use the mobile app in lieu of Facebook on your phone, to reflect on the day’s Gospel as you ride the bus, or to discuss the Catechism as a daily devotion and continued Year of Faith goal.

Share the app with your friends, get a Faithlife reading plan going, or just encourage each other to uphold your Lenten promises. Post this to your Facebook wall or share it to your Twitter followers (before you give either of those up for Lent).

Do you already have the app? Be sure to rate it and tell your friends. Let’s spend this Lent building community among Catholics around the world with free Faithlife accounts and free mobile apps. Who are you going to share this with?

Lenten Posts:

Ashes to Ashes
Lenten feature: customize your daily reflection
Lenten feature from Steve Ray

Written by
Alex Renn
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Written by Alex Renn