As believers, we are part of a conflict that has existed since the Church began—the constant confrontation with a secular world, humanistic cultures, and ideologically opposed governments.
Equip yourself for the struggle with The Sense of the Supernatural, Verbum’s Free Book of the Month. And don’t miss your chance to get two other relevant resources for under $8.
Examine different arguments and discover unique perspectives and analyses with resources that take you through these issues with compassion and intellectual depth.
The Sense of the Supernatural – Free this month
Every day, we confront a modern, “progressing” world that continually regresses ever more from traditional religion. This is a crisis and paradox every believer and the Church must address. But how can we recover the reality of the spiritual and supernatural in a secular and natural world?
Explore the modernist crisis and its causes and implications with Christian philosopher and theologian Jean Borella in this groundbreaking work. Discover the Church’s response to secular attempts to completely separate the natural from the influence of the supernatural. Join in the rediscovery and reaffirmation of the spirituality of each person and the transcendent experience beyond the material realm.
The Eucharistic Communion and the World – $1.99
Does the importance of the Eucharist end at the doors of the Church? Or does its mystery extend out into the world and into the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven? Experience a beautiful vision of the Church as Eucharistic communion, in which humans are gathered into Jesus Christ and also sent back into the world, offering all of creation to God as an act of worship. Learn about the eschatological foundation of the Eucharist and the ethos of the eucharistic community with John Zizioulas, one of the most influential Orthodox Christian theologians today.
Theopolitical Imagination – $5.99
We are surrounded and immersed in a world of global consumerism, brought about by Enlightenment and Postmodern values. How can the Church respond? Dig into the striking and fascinating solution, as explained by William T. Cavanaugh, professor of Catholic studies at DePaul University, that uses liturgy as a political act, and the Eucharist as the basis for Christian resistance to “structures of sin.”
Get The Sense of the Supernatural for free, or get all three commentaries for less than $8, but only through the end of the month!