Grow deeper in your faith as you celebrate Jesus’ resurrection this Easter season and embrace the new beginning this season brings by adding these resources to your Verbum library:
- Ancient Christian Writers: Post-Nicene Era Collection: Comprising the earliest writings of the post-persecution Christian church, this collection demonstrates the expansion of Christian thought in the post-Nicene era through a variety of innovative biblical commentaries, letters, theological treatises, spiritual biographies, and church documents. The Logos editions of these volumes include citations that are directly linked to both English translations and original-language texts, and a topic guide that makes searching for relevant biblical texts and resources a breeze.
- Iberian Fathers, vol.1: This volume returns to the Iberian Peninsula and includes the never-before-translated works of Paschasius, Leander of Seville, and Martin of Braga. From ethical subjects stemming from the doctrine of Seneca and other pre-Christian writers to pastoral and ascetical theology, the the teachings and insight of these Spanish authors is an excellent addition to your Verbum library.
- Path of Holiness: Wisdom from Catherine of Siena: Examine the teachings of Saint Catherine of Siena, scholastic philosopher and tertiary of the Dominican Order. This resource provides guidance for walking along the path to God and time-tested spiritual guidance for providing loving service to friends and neighbors—not only during this Easter season, but in every season of life.
These deals are only good through the end of April. Get them while you can!