For the month of March, Verbum Now members enjoy free access to:
Thomas Keating Collection (7 vols.)
Father Thomas Keating, founder of the Centering Prayer movement and internationally renowned theologian, is known as a public speaker and teacher of Centering Prayer—a revival of contemplative meditation intended to grow the Christian’s personal relationship with God. Influenced by Christian mystics and spiritual traditions from the East, Keating has written a number of books on the practice of Centering Prayer and the contemplative prayer experience. This collection contains the core trilogy of his works, Open Mind, Open Heart, Mystery of Christ, and Invitation to Love, as well as a number of his other works and daily devotionals compiled from his writings, designed to actualize the main ideas he conveys.
*Note: Father Keating could be seen as a contentious author, leaving some to wonder if his spiritual teaching is in congruence with the teachings of the Church. Nevertheless, he has made an impact in the life of the Church, so explore, discern, and find out for yourself.
John Chrysostom and the Transformation of the City
John Chrysostom was one of the most prolific and admired Christian preachers of the fourth century AD. Operating in both Antioch and Constantinople, he was constantly concerned for the spiritual welfare of his flock, especially when he saw them surrounded by the secular temptations of city life in the later Roman Empire. His preaching was tailored to combat these temptations and to encourage his congregation to live more obviously orthodox lives. Previous studies of Chrysostom have been almost entirely biographical in nature. This book conducts a much needed thematic exploration of his preaching, shedding light both on gender relations in late antiquity and also on the practical processes by which Christianity established itself as a dominant social structure in the Roman Empire.
Save Now on Last Month’s Preview Resource
For a limited time, Verbum Now members also enjoy discounts on the following resources, which were featured as a Verbum Now preview last month:
Second Temple Period Collection (19 vols.)
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