The Way of The Lord Jesus

The realm of moral theology exists to press into and understand the will of God for our lives. God created us to be free agents—entities with the ability to choose which actions we’ll take. But being free and having a will means we must always face a particular set of questions. How should we act? What is the best way to go about doing things? This is what moral theology is all about, and these are precisely the kinds of questions that are answered in the great moral theological work The Way of the Lord Jesus.

the-way-of-the-lord-jesusFinally making its way into Verbum, this series is split into three volumes—each addressing a crucial element of Catholic moral theology. They are constructed primarily as a textbook in fundamental moral theology for students in Catholic seminaries. However, those already ordained to the priesthood, teachers of religion, parents concerned about the catechetical formation of their children, and others will find this book extremely helpful. This series is written to “treat the specific moral responsibilities common to all or most lay people and those common to clerics, religious, and lay people. It aims to treat its subject matter in accord with Catholic doctrine as it has been developed by the Second Vatican Council and recent papal teaching” (xi, vol. II).

Volume 1: Christian Moral Principles primarily considers the fundamental parts of moral theology. In the later two volumes, Germain Grisez takes up the specific responsibilities of Christians and clarifies their responsibilities in light of these principles.

Volume 2: Living a Christian Life looks intently at the teachings of Vatican II, applying them to today’s moral questions. Whereas Christian Moral Principles treated the foundations of Christian morality, this volume deals with the specific questions that concern all or most Catholics.

Volume 3: Difficult Moral Questions deals with questions not yet the subject of explicit or clearly applicable Church teachings. Grisez takes neither an authoritarian nor subjectivist approach to moral guidance—rather, he offers detailed answers justified in terms of the moral principles developed in the first two volumes.

Published in 1983, The Way of The Lord Jesus stands out as one of the clearest and most important Catholic moral works of our time. In Verbum, these theological texts connect with the rest of your library. Cross-references to Church documents, the writings of the saints and Church Fathers, and Greek, Hebrew, and Latin texts will bring you right to the source text in your library.

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Written by Aric