The Pontifical Academy For Life Collection

This week we’ll be taking a look inside the 18-volume Pontifical Academy for Life Collection and how this, along with our other Pontifical collections, makes study in Verbum even deeper.

pontifical-academy-for-life-collectionThe Pontifical Academy for Life stands at the forefront of the Catholic Church’s scientific research on human life. It is dedicated to “study, information and formation on the principal problems of biomedicine and of law, relative to the promotion and defense of life, above all in the direct relation that they have with Christian morality and the directives of the Church’s Magisterium.”[1]

In this collection, you’ll get 18 volumes examining abortion, procreation, gene therapy, euthanasia, and more, as well as the legislation surrounding all of these issues.

This collection couldn’t be any more relevant to the heated debates and conversations that surround the topic of sexual ethics today—it provides you with an authoritative reference point, letting you study the Catholic Church’s position firsthand.

Here are just some of the relevant volumes included in this collection:

This collection is pertinent to the important political and theological conversations happening today—get the Pontifical Academy for Life Collection today and make your research even more powerful.

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Written by Aric