It’s Respect for Life month, and Verbum is celebrating by discounting resources on marriage and family by 30%.
These deals end with the month, so browse these collections or the entire sale now.
The doctrines handed down throughout history didn’t just magically appear. Our faith is the result of centuries of close Bible reading, of debates and councils, and of rich tradition in the Church. From the Trinity to the New Testament church, we...
C.S. Lewis’ writing is beloved by Catholic readers. Carl McColman reviews our September sale on the 30-volume C.S. Lewis Collection and explains why reading Lewis in Verbum is preferable to reading in a plain e-reader:
Few—if any—modern authors have had as much impact on Christianity as C.S. Lewis. His writing, encompassing everything from carefully argued treatises to satire and children’s fantasy, reflects his imaginative take on the Christian faith.
Time’s running out to save up to 74% on Verbum resources. All through July, save on study Bibles, commentaries, works on marriage and family, the Church Fathers, Vatican II, and more. But July is ending soon, and with it the savings. Want...
Saturate your library with the writings of Thomas Aquinas with Verbum’s Free Book of the Month and get two more Aquinas books for less than $8. St. Thomas Aquinas, the “teacher of the church,” is universally recognized as one of the greatest...