3 Biggest Discounts during Easter

Verbum Easter Sale

Verbum Easter Sale

We’ve hand-picked 12 of our most popular resources to discount during the Easter Sale. Check out the 3 best deals below, and visit Verbum.com/Easter to see everything that’s on sale.

1. 52% off
The Works of St. Thomas Aquinas (18 vols.)

St. Thomas Aquinas is perhaps the most influential theologian of the last 800 years. His prolific writings and personal sanctity earned him the title of “the Angelic Doctor,” and his works are consistently cited by prominent philosophers and theologians (Pope Francis cited St. Thomas 19 times in his recent Apostolic Exhortation, Amoris Laetitita). The Works of St. Thomas Aquinas (18 vols.) comprises all of Aquinas’ most famous works, including the Summa Theologica, the Summa contra Gentiles, the Catena Aurea, and a variety of insightful commentaries and homilies. This collection was a bargain at its regular price of $629.99, but it’s currently on sale for just $299.99—that’s 52% off!


2. 29% off
The Way of the Lord Jesus (3 vols.)

First published in 1983, Germain Grisez’s masterful series on moral theology is widely referenced by seminarians, scholars, and studious Catholics. Much like the Summa Theologica, The Way of the Lord Jesus takes an analytic approach to moral theology, offering detailed, relevant answers to common questions and concerns. In print form, this series would take up significant shelf space and cost upwards of $100. During the Verbum Easter Sale, you can get a superior electronic edition for just $59.99!


3. 28% off the
Catholic Mariology Collection (13 vols.)

Drawing from authors such as Pope St. John Paul II, St. Louis de Montfort, Scott Hahn, and others, this collection offers a solid foundation for studying Mary’s role in the Church. Whether you’re looking to deepen your devotion to the Blessed Virgin or simply understand the doctrines surrounding her, the Catholic Mariology Collection (13 vols.) is a valuable resource—all the more so with a $40 Easter discount!


To see the full list of discounted resources, visit Verbum.com/Easter today!



Written by
Brody Stewart
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  • I’m thinking of upgrading from Verbum 5.
    Can you please tell me if the Catholic Topical Index works like the Fact Book in Logos?

    • The Factbook and the Catholic Topical Index were built for different purposes, so they work a bit differently. The Factbook (new to Verbum 6) helps you learn about people, places, and things. The Catholic Topical Index remains a staple of the Topic and Passage guides—helping you learn what the Church teaches about any given topic.

Written by Brody Stewart