What’s New in Verbum Now 6.6

We just updated Verbum Now with a handful of great features! Take a look at what’s new:

Septuagint Manuscript Explorer

Information about Septuagint manuscripts can be frustratingly difficult to find. But with the Septuagint Manuscript Explorer, we’ve gathered together information about existing Septuagint manuscripts, including their contents, date, language, holding institute, and more. With this interactive, you can discover the earliest Septuagint manuscript evidence for the Minor Prophets, view Codex Sinaiticus online, or see how many manuscripts contain the book of Psalms.

Multiview Resources

Add multiple translations of the Bible or even commentaries in the same panel with the Multiview Resources tool. The resources you bring together will share the same location, visual filters, and search results. Study original-language texts side by side with English translations. Search for a specific word and both texts will filter down to your search results. This tool treats multiple resources as one—and the applications to your study are endless.

Corresponding Words Visual Filter

The new Corresponding Words Visual Filter instantly identifies everywhere repetition occurs within any of your resources. Find all the places “love,” “loves,” and “loved” appears within a commentary or the biblical text simply by hovering over the word you want to investigate. Or find all the places a specific lemma, root, or sense occurs within a biblical text. You can even see how the author of Jonah uses the phrase “go down” to highlight both Jonah’s physical and spiritual descent from the presence of the Lord. By identifying repetition, the Corresponding Words Visual Filter helps you draw out key themes and ideas in a passage.

Old Testament Propositional Outlines update

We’ve added Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, and Isaiah to the Old Testament Propositional Outlines.

Plus this month’s preview resource

Read Solution of the Great Problem for free until September 30, and access a new preview resource on October 1!

If you haven’t yet subscribed to Verbum Now, there’s no better time to start. Get your first month free at Verbum.com/Now!

Written by
Brody Stewart
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Written by Brody Stewart