We at Verbum wish all of our software users a very Merry Christmas! This is a picture of our team at our department retreat in November at the Archbisop Brunett Retreat Center in Federal Way, Washington.
May all the blessings of the season be yours!
Merry Christmas and thanks for sending the Christmas card. It is nice to see everyone from our Verbum team ;+)
It’s really good to see the Verbum team! Thanks for sharing the moment with us. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all of you at Verbum, and Happy Birthday Jesus.
Thank you for the Christmas card and the promotional code, I used it to purchase The Gospel of Matthew (https://www.logos.com/product/22854/) , I have had this in print for a few years.
My book review is on my blog: https://stagesofprayer.wordpress.com/2012/08/15/gospel-of-matthew-the-catholic-commentary-on-sacred-scripture/
And Merry Christmas to you. Thanks for putting together a great product and for enhancing my faith walk. Best wishes for the New Year and continued blessings on your work.