Today’s guest post is by Kyle Fuller, marketing promotion coordinator and Logos Bible Software.
When God came down from Heaven in the form of Jesus Christ, he could have come any way imaginable. Descending on a throne of clouds, rising from the waters, a chariot of fire, he could have come to Earth in a way fitting for our Creator, the King of kings. But how did he come?
Through a woman, and he called her Mother.
As we know from reading Sacred Scripture, Jesus did nothing by accident, and nothing was to be taken lightly. We believe in the Eucharist because Christ said at the Last Supper “Take, eat; this is my body.” (Matthew 26:26) This was a direct command, with nothing to be left desired or questioned. As Catholics, we take both what Jesus said and did very seriously, including the way he came into the world. Jesus having a mother conveys how much importance God places on mothers. He started his ministry at his mother’s insistence at the wedding of Cana (John 2:2-12), and at his crucifixion he left his mother in charge of looking over his creation (“Woman, behold your son” John 19:26).
Our parents are truly our first ministers. At our baptism, they profess the Catholic faith and promise to raise their children according to the faith. Mothers are the first parent that a child clings to for love and nourishment: They are our first examples of piety, charity, and selflessness.
My mother was and continues to be the foundation for my faith. I would not be the woman I am today without her guidance, encouragement, and ministry. Mothers are a vital part of our identity, and I thank God and the Holy Mother for blessing me with mine.
The Blessed Virgin is more than Christ’s mother—she is the mother of us all. I ask her to protect me, to fight for me, and to pray for me to our Lord. I look to her as the ultimate example of obedience, trust in the Lord, and unshakeable faith. I strive daily to follow her example so I can be a better Catholic, a better woman, and (one day) a better mother.
Jesus didn’t need a mother—he wanted one. Spend this Mothers Day reflecting on the the gift of motherhood.
To learn more about your Holy Mother, get Queen Mother: A Biblical Theology of Mary’s Queenship 15% off with code Mary2013.