This post is by Brody Stewart, Verbum Marketing and Promotions Coordinator. When I meditate upon Jesus’ crucifixion, I can’t help but think about Palm Sunday. Why is that? Palm Sunday should be a celebration of Christ’s victorious entry into...
This post is by Brody Stewart, Verbum Marketing and Promotions Coordinator. In classical art, we’re often presented with a familiar scene: Jesus, cross on his back, valiantly marches towards Calvary. Less commonly, we’ll see depictions of Simon the...
This post is by Brody Stewart, Verbum Marketing and Promotions Coordinator. For today’s reflection, I’d like to share an excerpt from one of St. John Chrysostom’s homilies. These words of the famed “golden-mouthed” orator are sure to be more moving...
This post is by Brody Stewart, Verbum Marketing and Promotions Coordinator. “Then Pilate took Jesus and had him scourged” (John 19:1, NABRE). This event takes up all of nine words in Scripture. It’s easy to skim over if you’re not...
This post is by Brody Stewart, Verbum Marketing and Promotions Coordinator The Sorrowful Mysteries have always seemed the easiest for me to meditate upon. There’s something altogether relatable about Jesus in his moments of weakness, anxiety, and...