Celebrate National Bible Week with Verbum!

National Bible Week

This week the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is celebrating National Bible Week 2015. In keeping with the Synod of Bishops on the Family and Pope Francis’ historic visit to Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families, this year’s theme is “The Bible: A Book for the Family”.

In order to help you, your family, and your parish celebrate National Bible Week, we’ve discounted a bunch of relevant resources:

The USCCB has also put together several free resources for parishes and families, encouraging greater engagement with the Word of God. Take a look at their page for tips on making the Word part of your home life, to learn about the sacred practice of Lectio divina, or access an outline for a Scripture Vigil on the themes of Catholic social teaching.

National Bible Week ends on November 21—don’t miss this valuable opportunity to study Scripture with the greater Catholic community!

Written by
Brody Stewart
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Written by Brody Stewart