At the end of every liturgical year, the Church returns to the fascinating—and often challenging—book of Revelation. Deepen your understanding of St. John’s prophetic book for free this month with Sacra Pagina: Revelation by noted scipture scholar Fr.Wilfrid Harrington, OP. “The message of Revelation is more than a word of encouragement to those suffering tribulation,” Harrington states; “It is a promise of wider hope.”
The Sacra Pagina series represents the finest contemporary Catholic scripture scholarship, as Fr. Daniel Harrington notes in the series introduction:
The goal of Sacra Pagina is to provide sound critical analysis without any loss of sensitivity to religious meaning. This series is therefore catholic in two senses of the word: inclusive in its methods and perspectives, and shaped by the context of the Catholic tradition.
As an added bonus, you can also download Sacra Pagina: The Gospel of Mark for just $0.99. That’s over $44 worth of renowned biblical commentaries for under one dollar!
These offers are only available until Nov 1, so take advantage today!